Mistakes we make when swimming

Almost all people learn to swim by experimenting little by little. Some learn from their parents during childhood and others take their first strokes alone, and that causes them to make important mistakes and failures. To avoid it, there are valuable swimming courses.

It is logical that many people do not handle the proper technique, so it is important to know the mistakes we make when swimming with lifeguard training. Learning to swim properly could save our lives in an emergency situation. In addition, in this way, we will avoid injuries when we go to the beach or the pool, mental and physical preparation is necessary.

1. Not breathing well: one of the important mistakes-

Swimming does not begin with movement, but with our ability to breathe in the water. Even when we don't submerge our heads we often sabotage our breathing. Correct breathing is essential for the success of our movements and to avoid fatigue.

The main respiratory error consists of keeping the head raised to try to take in air. This movement usually takes away our breathing capacity and constitutes a failure at the swimming posture level. In general, the correct thing to do is to keep your eyes straight ahead and breathe in and out with your strokes.

Another mistake is in taking air and keeping it inside as if we were diving. In reality, this action accelerates muscular and respiratory exhaustion. In this way, we only cover shorter distances and tire quickly. The goal is to use movement as a means of facilitating breathing.

2. A non-horizontal posture

Most coaches and professional swimmers believe that many people's problem with swimming is in their posture. In reality, few know what is the true position that the body should have when performing this practice.

The basic thing to know is that the body must remain horizontal when moving. Beyond mobility and swimming style, this is the most important thing. To achieve this, the legs must be raised and not lower in relation to the trunk.

The fact is that we don't just swim with our strokes. Our upper body does most of the exercise, but the legs also have a driving and aerodynamic role.

3. Important flaws: horizontal positions

The movement in swimming is very dynamic. The fact of having to remain in a horizontal position does not mean that we will be straight and it does not mean that we always look straight ahead. The most important thing, after breathing, is precisely not to disarticulate the position.

With each stroke, it makes sense to tilt your body slightly in relation to each movement. In competitions, we can see that when swimmers gain momentum they perform a movement similar to that of fish. This is done with the lower part of the trunk and the legs together.

When swimming, we not only move with our arms but also try to make our way through the water. The latter is better understood when we analyze the mistakes we make when swimming with our strokes.

4. Increase the length of the strokes

Swimming is not moving your arms automatically. Actually, in the act of swimming each arm fulfills a function. There is an extremity that is propulsive, which is generally the one that we dominate the most. At the same time, the other fulfills the function of separating the water that is in front of us.

Exploiting the maximum length of the stroke is also essential. Most people do not take advantage of the full extension of their arm, trunk, and the movement of both. Only then can we swim faster.

In this way, moving the arms quickly and without adequate extension will not allow us to move quickly. In practice, this conception makes us have a very wrong idea of ​​how to swim. For this reason, many learners of swimming have the feeling of making very little progress.

5. The feet play an important role

Although it sounds hard to believe, the feet fulfill their function when we are swimming because in them there is also an impulse that comes from behind. Therefore, instead of flexing the ankles or keeping them immobile, we must stretch them. These must collide in the water being extended, with which we generate a lever effect.

After addressing all these topics, it is likely that your idea of ​​what swimming is and its benefits has changed. However, the biggest mistake we can make is not swimming because we don't do it right. Practice makes a master.

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